Have any questions? +255 23 260 4639 snal@sua.ac.tz

Open data is advocated by many researchers around the world. SUA researchers have been experiencing in promoting open data because of having no server for such purpose. In order to address this challenge, SNAL have set aside a portion of SUAIR for the new initiative to establish SUA Open Data repository. https://www.suaire.sua.ac.tz/handle/123456789/5307

Other researchers from SUA who have published open data are

a. YEESI Lab dataset - https://www.zenodo.org/record/7729285

b. Bio diversity dataset from Department of Ecosystems and Conservation - https://www.gbif.org/dataset/search?publishing_org=a8864fd2-f4f9-40b1-bd9d-a8767e12b9ab

We should promote open data for open science so that researchers and its community benefit more from its usefulness. According to PLOS the benefits of open data are namely, ensuring reproducibility; inspiring trust, opening opportunity to earn credit to academic member of staff and preserving data record and marketing your institution (visibility) - https://www.yeesi.org/news#h.4hzdecqwu5it

For SUA staff seeking space to publish research data contact Mr Zabron Tandika and Mr Stephano John at SNAL.