Have any questions? +255 23 260 4639 snal@sua.ac.tz

Sokoine National Agricultural Library, has set funds to train researchers and postgraduate students on e-resources. To begin with SNAL Collaborating with Elsevier is announcing free E-racecourses training for SUA Researchers and postgraduate student on zoom starting on Mar 16, 2022 10:30 AM Nairobi


This is a long training, but they will start with the following topics

Topic: 1. How Elsevier solutions can enhance your research | SUA
1. Introduction to Elsevier solutions
2. Introduction to ScienceDirect
3. How can you access ScienceDirect from home

Other coming topics

1. How Elsevier Solutions could Enhance your Research ?
2. Getting Started with ScienceDirect
3. Getting Started with Mendeley
4. What are the Elsevier journals in my field?

- Customised to various disciplines
5. Undergraduates' Introduction to Scientific Journals
6. How to stay updated about research related to your topic? - Scopus & ScienceDirect
7. Comprehensive literature review using Scopus
8. Selecting Journals for Publishing using Scopus
9. Advanced Search on Scopus
10. Mendeley: Setting up research groups and collaborations
11. Tips & advice for preparation of your paper manuscript
12. Mendeley: Citing references in Mendeley
13. Journals Publishing Models & Open Access: Is paying an APC a must ?
14. Avoiding Plagiarism & Proper Citations using Mendeley
15. How to Turn your Thesis into a Paper Manuscript
16. Avoiding Predatory Journals
17. Preparing my manuscript for visibility
18. How to increase visibility of my published work
19. Maintaining Scopus profiles for visibility
20. Discover your impact: H-Index & Author Metrics on Scopus
21. Research Metrics & Responsible Use
22. Converting your Research into an E-book


As part of its mandate to promote greater utilization of library services for research, teaching and learning purposes, Sokoine National Agricultural Library (SNAL) Contacted a training for Staff and Students of Mizengo Pinda College Campus. For more information please read MPCC Training Report


Instructions for submitting items to SUA IR:

A)File location and format
 Prior to beginning submission, make sure that files to be added to SUA IR are on your local network or your hard drive. Typically, we convert documents and web pages into searchable PDFs. These PDFs are what are loaded into SUA IR.

B) Submission steps
 Log onto your repository (SUAIR). Choose one of the submission methods below (it doesn't matter which you choose).

C) Submission method
1. Navigate within your archive to find and access the collection to which you are submitting. Open up the collection homepage.
2. At your left hand panel click New then Item. The pop up window showing the list of collection with the collection you selected at step 1 being the first in the list will apper. Just click on that to select it ready for uploading your document.
Fill out the remaining submission screens as appropriate for the particular collection and
item. See below for a general explanation of what goes in each field.
For some collections it makes sense to prepare templates with information already filled in to reduce keying the same values for similar items. For others the submitter can input all information as she proceeds through the submission process. You may wish to provide specific instructions for each collection, depending upon the expertise and comfort level of submitters. Be prepared to supply the following mandatory fields, at minimum: Title, Author or
Creator and Year of publication.

E) Submit: Describe Your Item
Each time a name is indexed in your archive, it should appear in the same form. Enter names for all authors/contributors, one name per line. For additional fields, click the "ADD" button.
Enter the last name in the first box and the first name, middle name or initial and other name elements in the second box. Examples:
Mohamed, Abdallah
Sife, A.S
Dulle, F.W

Note: For published articles write full names of author(s) starting with the Surname in the first box followed by First name in the second box.

TITLE Enter the main title as found on the item. If there is no title on the item, enter the title provided by the author/submitter or (for web pages) the title from the link that took you to the page.

OTHER TITLES Enter any other titles found on the piece, one title per field. For additional fields, click the "ADD" button

DATE OF ISSUE Enter the year, or as many of those elements as are on the item.

PUBLISHER Enter the name of the person or body who published the item. The entity responsible for making the item available—a person, an organization etc.

CITATION This field is generally only filled in for articles or book chapters. It contains the citation as it would appear in an indexing service, minus the article/chapter author and title.

SERIES/REPORT NO. Include only a series title and number in this field. If the item is
part of a larger work (e.g. a journal or book), do not put that information here. Use the Citation field instead. Ignore the 2nd box for this field, as it doesn't actually work. Put all elements of the series title and numbering into the 1st box.

IDENTIFIER Appears if you indicated that the item has been previously distributed, but is optional. Unambiguous formal identification such as a serial ISSN, a URI or government document number.

TYPE From the drop-down list, choose the type that most closely matches the item being submitted. Complete journal issues generally receive the "Article" type.

LANGUAGE From the drop-down list, choose the language of the item.

SUBJECT KEYWORDS Use keywords that your potential users are likely to be familiar with and understand also will be easily used to locate your document. Keywords should be not less than 3.

ABSTRACT Copy and paste the abstract from the item, if there is one.

SPONSORS Information about sponsoring agencies or individuals. Can be included instructions for a specific collection.

DESCRIPTION Describe the document as Journal article or Masters’ Dissertation or PhD Thesis or Conference paper depending on the type of the document you are uploading. Submit: Upload a File

DOCUMENT FILE: Click "Browse" to find the file saved on your hard drive or network.

FILE DESCRIPTION: Enter a description of the file. Examples: Main article, PowerPoint presentation, Supplement 1, Appendix, Tables, Maps
Submit: File Loaded Successfully
If you checked the 3rd box on the first submission page, there will be a button for "Add Another File." Clicking this button returns you to another "Submit: Upload a File" page. Continue loading files until the item is complete.
Submit: Verify Submission
Check your work. If anything is incorrect, click the "Correct one of these" button for the appropriate section and make the correction. You will have to continue through all submission pages that come after the one you corrected; however, the information you previously entered will remain. Just keep clicking "Next" until you return to this "Verify
Submission" page. Once you're satisfied with the submission, click "Next"
Information about rights held with respect to the resource, ideally informing the user of the resource can be used. May encompass Intellectual Property Rights, Copyright etc..
Click the "I Grant the License" button

You're done! Now GO TO SUAIR

Dr. Peter Onauphoo Siyao has set a record to be the first PhD graduate at the Department of Information and Records Studies (DIRS) after his successful PhD public defence on 15 April 2021. Dr. Siyao (BA Hons, MA- LIS UDSM & PhD SUA) is an Academic Librarian at Mzumbe University since 2006. He registered for PhD programme at the Sokoine University of Agriculture in the Department of Information and Records Studies of Sokoine National Agricultural Library in December 2015.

Thesis Title: Role of newspapers in the dissemination of climate change information in Tanzania


Dr. Peter Siyao during his public defence

Dr. Siyao discovered a low contribution of newspapers in the dissemination of climate change information in Tanzania, despite the media having a high ability in providing detailed developmental information such as climate change issues to the community for awareness creation. During the period of study, Dr. Siyao managed to publish four research articles in peer-reviewed and internationally recognized journals. The first article analysed the level of attention given to climate change information by Tanzanian newspapers. It was found that little was reported on climate change issues in comparison with other topics such as politics, sensational issues, crimes and advertisements. The second article focused on the priority given to climate change information by the local Tanzanian newspapers which turned out to be very low.

The third published article assessed the sources of climate change information used by newspaper journalists in Tanzania. In this article, it was found that 64 per cent of climate change experts and 34.1 per cent of daily events such as community meetings and other social gatherings were the main sources of climate change information consulted by newspaper journalists in Tanzania. These sources are interactive – enabling journalists to obtain climate change information – and easily accessible, and use and provide instant responses. It was also reported that newspapers encounter a number of challenges in acquiring climate change information in Tanzania. The fourth article assessed the use of newspapers by peri-urban newspaper readers in accessing climate change information.  The findings show that newspapers (65%) are important sources used by peri-urban newspaper readers to access climate change information.

Dr. Siyao successfully defended his PhD thesis in the viva voce held on 15 April 2021 after A panel of five scholars was satisfied with his work. Dr. Siyao was supervised by Prof. Alfred Sife who is currently a Vice-Chancellor at Moshi Cooperative University (MoCU) and assisted by  Dr. Wulstan Mtega.(Head department of Informatics and Information Technology)

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Dr. Siyao celebrating his success with his wife Victoria Siyao and Son Brian Siyao