Have any questions? +255 23 260 4639 snal@sua.ac.tz

As it was announced in the past few weeks, Sokoine University of Agriculture received support for subscription to the ScienceDirect [Elsevier database] through the Regional Scholarship and Innovation Fund (RSIF) which is coordinated by Prof. Gerald Misinzo at SUA. The ScienceDirect [with 186 full-text journals] is among very high profile Databases offered by Elsevier.

Sokoine National Agricultural Library (SNAL) has now made this available in the list of subscribed e-resources for use by its community members. Remember, you can only access this through SUA Local Area Network (when you are connected to SUA internet service). 

To get the list of journals that you can access through ScienceDirect click HERE

The Sokoine University of Agriculture has received support for subscription to the ScienceDirect [Elsevier database] through the Regional Scholarship and Innovation Fund (RSIF) which is coordinated by Prof. Gerald Misinzo at SUA. The Science Direct [with 186 full-text journals] is among very high profile Databases offered by Elsevier.

Sokoine National Agricultural Library (SNAL) is arranging with the publisher in question to get access credentials [to be shared soon] so that the SUA community start benefiting from the database in question.

To get the list of journals that will be made accessible to SUA through Science Direct click HERE

Department of Information and Records Studies (DIRS) invites applications for admission into Master by Research and Thesis in Information and Communication Science and Master by Research and Thesis in Records and Archives Management

How to apply

Eligible applicants are required to complete the online admission through this link: Online Application (Postgraduate)

Deadline for applications

Applications for the two courses have no fixed deadlines (apply at any time)

For more information on non-degree and degree programmes offered by DIRS please visit: https://www.lib.sua.ac.tz/dirs/index.php/courses


Mkulima Collection is part of the agricultural information services provided to the general public (farmers in particular) by Sokoine National Agricultural Library (SNAL) which is found at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA).

The Collection was established in 2016 and comprised of hard copies held in the library building (Edward Moringe Campus) and electronic collection of publications accessed at https://www.lib.sua.ac.tz/mkulima/. The aim of this collection is to cater to the information needs of the farmers and other stakeholders in the agricultural sector within and outside the country.

 Mkulima coll

Part of Mkulima Collection (print collection) held at SNAL building

SNAL has two roles, first, is to serve as a university library thus, serving the academic community information needs which support teaching, learning, research and consultancy. Secondly, is to serve as a national agricultural library by an Act of parliament no. 21 of 1991 which gives the mandate to provide agricultural information services to farmers community in the country.

Documents that form Mkulima Collection highly result from the research projects conducted by SUA researchers and discipline-specific professionals.  The documents are written in a simple and direct language which allows an average literate farmer to access and use the information presented. Mkulima Collection has been an important tool of information to farmers of all types of crops and livestock keepers in the country. Information acquired in this collection is to broaden farmers’ understanding of various agricultural activities, get updated knowledge and direct solutions to the problems encountered in their field of production.

The collection is mainly made up of the documents in the Swahili language; however, there are some publications in the English language. So far, the online collection has almost 600 documents in different agricultural fields which can freely be accessed and downloaded for use by farmers.

Document acquisitions in Mkulima Collection highly depend upon voluntary contribution by researchers and experts.  Therefore, SNAL encourages researchers and experts from and outside SUA to voluntarily deposit their research and project write-ups for effective communication of new innovations and updated information to farmers. The writing should be tailored for use by an average literate farmer, unlike the current trend which mostly favours academic and research activities.

Mkulima repostry

Mkulima Collection (digital collection) accessed on the website

SNAL call upon researchers and experts to leave a legacy in the agricultural sector in the country by voluntarily sharing their professional knowledge through publications deposited in Mkulima Collection. The knowledge shared through publications in Mkulima Collection has a significant contribution to the improved production, quality of the production and increased income of majority farmers in the country.

Mkulima Collection has been participating into various agricultural outreach and exhibitions services such as Nane Nane, Sabasaba, Sokoine Memorial Week and research stations as a means of marketing and creating awareness to the general public and agriculture stakeholders.

SNAL management is also working out to develop a Mobile App for Mkulima Collection in a near future. This is to improve access as farmers can either use the Mobile App or access the collection via Mkulima Collection webpage (as it is right now).

 Cotul training

The Consortium of Tanzania University and Research Libraries (COTUL) of which SUA is a member held its Training workshop and Annual General Meeting in Mwanza on 2-4 December 2020. Five staff members [Prof. F.W.Dulle, Dr. W. Mtega, Mr. P. Abiud, Mr V. Inyasi, Mr. S. Chika and Ms L. Kasuke] from SUA attended the event in question. The theme for the workshop was “Discovery and Utilization of E-Resources for Supporting Research, Teaching and Learning”. The training workshop aimed at bringing together researchers, academicians, librarians, and information professionals to learn and share experiences on current trends on the discovery and effective utilization of scholarly content, marketing of e-resources and e-resources usage patterns.

There were also exhibitions from various publishers, of interest to SUA was an exhibition for E-books by Baobab E-book Services. This company provide various options and packages for E-books. The pricing modal for Members of Consortium is very attractive and would suggest SUA consider procurements of E-books in a future purchase. During AGM, among issues of concern, was low usage of E-resources in Tanzania.

It was observed that usage of E-resources was very low to some Institutions. SUA was commended for leading in the usage of E-resources from Emerald. The matter was discussed at length and it was recommended that each COTUL member institution should lay strategies to enhance the usage of E-resources subscribed by COTUL and other partners in order to get value for money. It was resolved that from the coming AGM, COTUL will start awarding certificates of recognition to institutions highly ranked in E-resources usage.